Soak up the sun and don’t forget the SFP! It’s time for us to take our workouts out to the great outdoors. These workouts will make it feel more like playtime than a chore. Click here to read more.
Soak up the sun and don’t forget the SFP! It’s time for us to take our workouts out to the great outdoors. These workouts will make it feel more like playtime than a chore. Click here to read more.
Going to the beach and swimming in pools or lakes is synonymous with summer. According to the CDC, there is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can spread to people through water in these places. Click here to learn tips so you can safely enjoy swimming and the beach this summer.
COVID-19 has been a very stressful time for many people. Due to the uncertainty and lack of control over you may feel over your life, it is not surprising that many people are experiencing weird dreams. Read about 5 ways to help you not let your dreams ruin a good night sleep. Click here to read more.
This summer, many families who’ve planned vacations and long-anticipated reunions are left wondering whether it’s safe to travel during the coronavirus outbreak. Most states have reopened, giving residents a semblance of normalcy, but COVID-19 cases are still rising in some areas. The good news is you can travel this summer, especially if you stay within U.S. borders and if you follow basic precautions. Click here to read more.