What Does it Mean to Have a Strong Immune System?

What Does it Mean to Have a Strong Immune System?

Starting as a newborn, your body is constantly growing to develop a strong immune system. This complex system protects you from foreign invaders and promotes overall health. But what happens when you have a compromised immune system? Read more to learn how you can boost your immune system and what happens when your immune system is overactive.

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Sweeteners ‘Can Turn Healthy Gut Bacteria into Harmful Microbes’  

Artificial sweeteners are a common addition to many consumables such as gum, diet soda, ice cream and baked goods. Researchers have found that these common sugar substitutes could damage your healthy gut bacteria in the amount of two cans of diet soda a day. Read more to find out what sweeteners to avoid and their effect on your body.

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Academic Education Can Positively Affect Aging of the Brain

Education and lifelong learning have always been said to make a person well-rounded, but can it also help slow down age-related brain degeneration? Researchers explored whether academic education positively affected senior citizen participants’ cognitive performance over seven years. Read more to understand the results of the study.

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Intermittent Fasting: Surprising Update

  • Fasting

Intermittent Fasting (IF) has quickly grown in popularity as another dieting technique to lose weight, but is it effective? Research shows that IF is effective and that the timing of when a person fasts can help make it a more realistic and sustainable option for weight loss. Read more to find out what time intervals studies suggest you fast and how to better your health.

Click here to read more.

Collagen — What Is It and What Is It Good For?

One of the most common proteins in your body is collagen. There are different types of collagen, each with essential roles in your body. Read more to discover why collagen is so important and the benefits of collagen production. Book an appointment with Medical Age Management to find out what collagen supplements we recommend and more!

Click here to read more.

The Science of Gratitude: How Thankfulness Impacts Our Brains and Business

  • Gratitude

Say goodbye to negative Nancy and Ned! Studies have shown that the benefits of regularly practicing gratitude can include improved relationships, decreased anxiety, and increased generosity. Read more about how gratitude changes our brains over time and how it impacts employee engagement.

Click here to read more.

Medical Age Management is a premier anti-aging and aesthetic skin care services provider in Southern California.