10 Best Exercises to Tone Your Body 

How to Make a Cloth Face Mask with a Filter 

To curb the transmission of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently begun to recommend using a cloth face covering when you’re out in public. Click here to learn how to make your own cloth face mask with a filter.

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5 Lessons from Quarantine 

At Medical Age Management, we believe at looking on the bright side of things. The quarantine has taught us many positive lessons that we can carry with us moving forward. For one, the little things make a big difference. Click here to read more about these lessons.

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Navigating Venturing Out in Public During a Quarantine 

Going stir crazy? We get it. Everyone in our county has been cooped up inside for months. Now that each state is starting to lift stay-at-home orders and businesses are beginning to open back up, how do you safely enter society? Click here to read the CDC’s suggestions on what to consider before you venture out of the house.

Click Here

At-Home Workouts

No gym, no equipment, no problem! Whether you’re in your living room, backyard or balcony, break a sweat with this 12-minute hiit workout you can do anywhere, see it here!

Simple and Proven Ways to De-Stress

Stress is a natural reaction and no matter the situation you are in, learning to move through it rather than allowing it to stop you is key. There are many methods here, from breathing exercises, to taking a walk or laughing. Try different things and find what de-stressing action exercise works best for you. See them all here.

How COVID-19 Spreads

Protecting your health is easier when you know what to look out for. It’s important to know where people are most likely to get sick, how much of the virus is released into the environment, the commonality of outbreaks and what the role of asymptomatic people is in spreading the virus. Learn all of this and more here.


Importance of Vitamin D & B12

Vitamins and supplements are always a key point we like to emphasize to our patients. Research has shown that vitamin D supplementation helps reduce the risk of viral infections, while B12 plays so many roles in human physiology. During the aging process, absorption of necessary vitamins declines naturally, suggesting that older individuals may benefit from supplementation. Read more here on vitamin D and here for vitamin B12.

Medical Age Management is a premier anti-aging and aesthetic skin care services provider in Southern California.