Effects of Glyphosate

Effects of Glyphosate

A peer-reviewed study from Taiwan reveals a strong link between severe depression, cognitive decline, and exposure to glyphosate, the world’s most used herbicide. The study found a significant negative correlation between glyphosate exposure and cognitive function test scores. It also showed higher odds of severe depressive symptoms in individuals with elevated glyphosate levels. The research highlights potential adverse neurological outcomes associated with glyphosate exposure. Read more to explore the study’s findings.

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Benefits of Digital Puzzle Games

Playing digital puzzle games can help senior adults maintain memory abilities similar to those in their 20s, a study from the University of York found. These games also enhance the older adults’ ability to ignore distractions. However, the study noted that strategy games did not yield the same memory and concentration benefits. The research suggests that the type of mental stimulation provided by these games has varying effects depending on age. Read more to delve into the impacts of different game types on memory and attention.

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Adult Playtime: Cultivating Happiness

Engaging in play is not just for kids; it can add joy, relieve stress, and connect you with others. Playtime is a chance to forget about work and be social in a fun and creative way. There are plenty of activities to explore that can make you laugh and feel young at heart. These activities include active games, hobbies, outdoor adventures, puzzles, and learning opportunities. Play is beneficial at any age, offering mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Read more to learn how these activities can impact your overall happiness.

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