How Meditation Can Help You Make Fewer Mistakes

How Meditation Can Help You Make Fewer Mistakes

A new study from Michigan State University found that meditation can help you make fewer mistakes. Specifically, open monitoring mediation suggests that it can help increase error recognition and that different forms of meditation can lead to other neurocognitive effects. Read more to find out what led them to this conclusion and their plans for the next research phase.

Click here to read more.

Catastrophizing: Why We Wake Around 3am and Dwell on Our Fears and Failures

If you ever wake up at 3am with distressing and punitive thoughts, you’re not alone. Research suggests that stress, depression, or even anxious wakefulness could be the culprit. Learn more about what causes this nighttime dwelling and what you can do to break this bad habit.

Click here to read more.

Start Switching on Your Longevity Genes

Your age is not always your actual biological age. A new study has discovered that you can “reverse your biological time clock” and switch on your health and longevity genes by making specific lifestyle changes. Read more about the study and the effects it has on your biological age.

Click here to read more.

Medical Age Management is a premier anti-aging and aesthetic skin care services provider in Southern California.