The Truth About COVID-19 Vaccines

The Truth About COVID-19 Vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccines have been described by many as the light at the end of the tunnel and the best tool we have to stop this pandemic. But along with the vaccine rollout, there have been a number of myths circulating about their safety and effectiveness. To set the record straight, Cedars-Sinai’s Newsroom talked with Priya Soni, M.D., a pediatrician and an infectious disease specialist. Click here to read more.

30 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Be Good to Yourself 

Practicing self-love can be difficult for many of us, especially in times when we face serious challenges. It’s not about being self-absorbed or narcissistic, it’s about getting in touch with ourselves, our well-being and our happiness. We practice self-love so we can push through our limiting beliefs and live a life that truly shines. Click here to learn about 30 ways to practice self-love.

The most effective anti-aging workout, backed by science 

Exercise is hard work, but it pays off. Adding to the many reasons to get moving is compelling new research that has found that two exercise methods can slow the aging process by preventing cellular aging: high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and endurance training.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and endurance training are among the best exercise methods to prevent cellular aging, according to research. What are these exercise methods, and why do they work? Click here to read more.

Don’t drink coffee with these vitamins 

Americans love their coffee. According to a survey cited by Statista, 29% of US coffee drinkers consume two cups of coffee daily, 13% drink three cups, 14% drink four to five cups, and 9% drink more than six. All that coffee consumption equates to high energy levels—but beware, coffee lovers: Caffeine can impair absorption and facilitate excretion of certain vitamins and minerals. Click here to learn more about the five vitamins that interact with caffeine.

Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Exercise  

Movement really is medicine, and simple daily movement helps maintain and improve health. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): “Being physically active is one of the most important actions that people of all ages can take to improve their health.” Due to the link between sedentary lifestyles and developing chronic illnesses like type two diabetes, obesity, or metabolic syndrome – sedentary behaviors should be significantly reduced. Click here to read nine evidence-based health benefits of exercise.

Inflammatory Foods That Can Increase Your Heart Disease and Stroke Risk  

The research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) shows that certain foods that cause increased inflammation in the body are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. But, what is considered an inflammatory food? Click here to read more.

Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine  

According to the Centers for Disease Control, they understand that some people may be concerned about getting vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine. The CDC assures the American people that routine processes and procedures remain in place to ensure the safety of any vaccine that is authorized or approved for use. Click here to read more about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination.

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Medical Age Management is a premier anti-aging and aesthetic skin care services provider in Southern California.