Your Post-Halloween Detox Guide

Your Post-Halloween Detox Guide

As the holiday festivities approach, it is important to allow yourself to indulge and celebrate all the joys of the season. Balance is key during this time, especially with Halloween right around the corner. After a day of fun with family and friends, you may be interested in ways to detox and get back into your regular routine. Introducing high-fiber foods such as quinoa, broccoli, and brown rice can help to clean toxins from your digestive system. To double up on these benefits, probiotic-rich foods, like kefir and kombucha, help to prevent digestive discomfort and keep your stomach at ease after a day of treats! Read more for other practices you can introduce to cleanse your body after Halloween!  

Stay Healthy Through the Colder Months

The fall and winter months don’t have to mean a harsh flu season. Now is the perfect time to start boosting your immune system in preparation for the colder months ahead. Vitamin E, a common skincare ingredient, has potential relationships with enhanced immune operation, from infection protection to improved vaccine response. The high-antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities of vitamin E make it a great addition to your supplement routine. To achieve the full benefits of vitamin E, Dr. Farnesi recommends you take a mixture of tocopherols and tocotrienols. Most inexpensive Vitamin E supplements only contain the d-alpha-tocopherol form. But to get the full effect, and not cause harm, you also want the beta, gamma and delta forms of tocopherols and tocotrienols. If you only get one form, studies show you can cause harm by blocking the benefits of the other forms. Get ready for colder months and check out our article to learn more!  

Get your steps in on Halloween

As the holiday season kicks into full gear, it may seem more difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, there are easy additions you can make to your holiday routine to keep your patterns in place. As the streets fill with trick-or-treaters on Halloween, joining in on their expedition can increase your daily step count. Studies have found that every additional 1,000 steps an adult takes has a dramatically positive effect on your health. From reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, to aiding in stress relief and brain health, walking is a powerful health tool. The average adult takes about 2,000 steps a day, so make sure to lace up your shoes, grab your pet, and enjoy a leisurely walk around your neighborhood! Learn more by clicking this link! 

Medical Age Management is a premier anti-aging and aesthetic skin care services provider in Southern California.